+41 (0)91 840 18 60
The rules

  1. RIGHT ABOVE: When players are ready to play at the same time the priority is up to the player on the right.
  2. Choose the right bowl according to its weight and size of your hand.
  3. Never climb into the approach zone without regulatory shoes.
  4. Segsuite carefully the gaming performance and be ready when your turn.
  5. severamnte is forbidden to drink or eat in the drop zone.
  6. Do not cross the foul line.
  7. The bowl should not be launched at the top but it’s slipped on track.
  8. is strictly forbidden to enter the track.
  9. When the light of a bottom track pins is turned off, do not pull (Fault).

Comprehensive Rules

Download the complete rules

How to play
The Bowling game requires agility and skill.

Most people play for fun, but there are also those who practice this sport at a competitive level. This explains why so much attention when you have to choose the equipment that adapt to the characteristics of each individual player.

Apparently the game seems pretty simple, but playing for fun is very different from competing against experienced and trained people, this requires commitment and training.

Technical manual

Download the game manual
Video Tutorial

In this video explains the basic technique of bowling.
The health benefits
About 95 million people around the world are enjoying the game of bowling.
While not too intense training, participants at the bowling alley enjoy many health benefits, both physically and mentally, as follows:

  1. It promotes the growth of body muscles
  2. Excellent exercise for the body
  3. It helps in weight loss
  4. The social bowling performance
  5. It helps to relieve Stress

Benefits List

Discover all the benefits